Oshi no ko, chapter 126 spoilers! What does Ichigo talk about?

Oshi no ko

This article will provide spoilers for chapter 126 of Oshi no ko.

In chapter 125, Miyako’s past and her encounter with Ichigo were described.

What will happen in chapter 126?

Spoilers list of Oshi no ko

Vol. 12 of manga
119 120
Vol. 13 of manga
121 122 123 124 125
126 127 128 129 130

The latest spoilers for chapter 126 of Oshi no ko! What Ichigo will talk about?

In chapter 126 of Oshi no ko, we should focus on what Ichigo will talk about.


In episode 124, Miyako was conflicted about the appointment of Ruby and had a much rougher time at her favorite bar.
See the spoilers of chapter 124 of Oshi no ko

Then Ichigo wanders into the bar and has a fateful reunion with Miyako.

Well, Ichigo didn’t want to see her, and he has a totally “What the hell..” look on his face, lol.


Episode 125 reveals Miyako’s past and also describes her encounter with Ichigo.
See the spoilers of chapter 125 of Oshi no ko

Miyako then starts crying, saying “I haven’t given up the dream yet.” referring to Ichigo’s dream of filling the Tokyo Dome with psylliums, which he had once seen.


In chapter 126, it will be interesting to see what Ichigo will say when he hears Miyako’s thoughts.

In particular, I wonder if Ichigo will have a change of heart and return to “Ichigo-Production”.

The latest spoilers for chapter 126 of Oshi no ko! Ruby asks Aqua to marry her!

After episode 126 of Oshi no ko, it will be interesting to see if Ruby tries to marry Aqua.

In episode 122, Aqua calls Ruby as “Sarina-chan,” which reveals that “Aqua was aware of Ruby’s previous life.
See the spoilers of chapter 122 of Oshi no ko

And Ruby, of course, learns that “Aqua equals to Goro,” and here their long cold war ends and they reconcile.


In episode 123, Ruby has revealed all her true feelings to Aqua, and their cold war is completely over.
See the spoilers of chapter 123 of Oshi no ko

Ruby also brings up the fact that in a previous life, when she asked Goro to marry her, he said, “I’ll think about it seriously when I turn 16.”

She then tells him with a cute smile, “I’m already 16, remember?” she tells him with a cute smile.


In episode 124, Ruby spoiled Aqua as much as she could and Kana was so jealous of her.
See the spoilers of chapter 124 of Oshi no ko

Also Ruby is still in Aqua’s arms and she is a princess on the sofa.


It will be interesting to see how Aqua responds to Ruby’s seriousness in episode 126 and beyond.

Legally, it would be impossible for them to get married, but there is a way to have a de facto marriage…

I wonder if there will be an unexpected “Aqua and Ruby” ending.

The latest spoilers for chapter 126 of Oshi no ko! Filming begins on “15 Year Lie.”

In chapter 126 of Oshi no ko focuses on the filming of “15 Year Lie“.


In chapter 116, Frill noticed about the “15 Year Lie” movie that “Aqua is trying to kill his father.”

Then Ruby became serious when she realized Aqua’s true intentions, and through a game of endurance that lasted until de midnight for the inter-personal audition, Ruby passed the test.

On the way home, Akane was reunited with Aqua for the first time since their breakup, and they talked like “I’ll stop what Aqua-kun is up to.” and “Try if you can.”, not unlike former lovers lol.


In chapter 117, Kana announces her graduation from B-Komachi.

And then, how Aqua pretends to care about Kana and is simply using her.

Also, the cast for “15 Year Lie” is fully set, with Ruby as the lead actress.


Then in chapter 118, everything was ready and production finally began on “15 Year Lie.”


In chapter 126, we’ll look at the filming of “15 Year Lies”.

The latest spoilers for chapter 126 of Oshi no ko! Will Sarina’s father and brothers appear?

In chapter 126 and after, it will be interesting to see if Sarina’s father and siblings will make an appearance.


In chapter 119, Marina, Sarina’s mother, got involved with Aqua, and Aqua was not at ease because Marina’s personality was totally nonsense.

Furthermore, Marina’s phone screen was a picture of “a family reunion with her husband, son, and daughter.”.

By the way, even at the time of Sarina’s death, her family including Marina did not even come to the hospital at all, and it seems that Sarina was the daughter who was cut off.


It will be interesting to see if Sarina’s father and brothers will appear in chapters 126 and onward.

The latest spoilers for chapter 126 of Oshi no ko! Ruby reunites with Sarina’s mother!?

In chapter 126 of Oshi no ko, it will be interesting to see that Ruby meets Sarina’s mother.


At the end of chapter 118, a woman named “Tendouji” who looks like a representative of an advertising agency appeared to Kaburagi, and this person was Sarina’s mother.

While Sarina was in the hospital in Miyazaki prefecture, her parents did not seem to come to visit her, and to top it off, they did not even take care of her at the end of her life.

As one would expect, her mother probably never dreamed that Sarina had been reincarnated as Ruby.


And in chapter 119, while Ruby is practicing her “15 year lie” act, she says to Kana with emotionless eyes, “Deep down inside, parents absolutely love their children.”.

Ruby probably understands deep down that her mother abandoned her in a previous life, but she still can’t dismiss the possibility that “There were some circumstances” and that “She must have really loved her.”

I am worried about Ruby’s mental state if she runs into Marina in such a situation…


I wonder if Ruby will meet her real mother, Marina, in chapter 126 or later.

I mean, I hope they don’t meet.

The latest spoilers for chapter 126 of Oshi no ko! What is the content of the DVD Ai left behind?

In chapter 126, we should focus on the contents of the DVD that Ai left behind.

In chapter 112, Ai revealed that there was a DVD that she had left to Gotanda in the past, telling him to give it to Aqua and Ruby when they turned 15.

In fact, it was the existence of this DVD that led to the production of “15 Year Lie”.

The latest spoilers for chapter 126 of Oshi no ko! What is the content of the DVD Ai left behind?(C)Aka Akasaka/Mengo Yokoyari/Shueisha

The contents of the DVD are still a mystery, but in chapter 10 of volume 1 of the manga, Ai is shown taking a video, and probably left a message to Aqua and Ruby like this.

Moreover, for some reason, she shares a DVD with Aqua and Ruby respectively, and she went out of her way to add the condition “when you guys turn 15 years old.”.

The latest spoilers for chapter 126 of Oshi no ko! What is Hikaru Kamiki’s purpose?

In chapter 126 and beyond, we will focus on the purpose of Hikaru Kamiki.

Hikaru made his first proper appearance in chapter 109, and in the chapter in which he appeared, he suddenly murdered actress Yura Katayose.

It is unclear whether this is just a kind of pleasure killing or a premeditated murder with a clear purpose, but there is no doubt that he is a psychopath for the moment.

Hikaru is also the mastermind behind Ai’s murder, so he is a kind of avenger for Aqua and Ruby, who can be said to be the last boss.

It will be interesting to see what happens to Hikaru in the future.

The latest spoilers for chapter 126 of Oshi no ko! Aqua’s revenge resumes!

In chapter 126 and beyond of Oshi no ko, we will focus on the status of Aqua’s revenge.

In chapter 95, in a conversation between Aqua and Ichigo, it was clearly stated that Seijuro Uehara is not Aqua’s father.

Somewhere in her heart, Aqua had unconsciously turned away from various possibilities because he wanted to “end his revenge”, but Ichigo pointed out to him that “his revenge is not over” and he realized it.

And in chapter 96, Aqua was quite depressed and couldn’t even be bothered to see Akane.

In chapter 97, Akane is closing in on the true identity of Kamiki Hikaru and is trying to settle things by meeting him.

In chapter 98, Aqua ends his relationship with Akane in order to prevent Akane from getting involved any further.

And Aqua’s both eyes were filled with stars, just like Ruby’s.

Furthermore, in chapter 108, Aqua was talking with Ichigo and was planning to practice the “method of suffering rather than killing” on the real culprit who caused Ai’s death.


For Aqua, he has always thought that his revenge was “already over”, so here he is back to the drawing board.

It will be interesting to see how Aqua moves forward with his revenge in chapters 126 and beyond.

The latest spoilers for chapter 126 of Oshi no ko! Is the love between Aqua and Akane over?

In chapter 126 and beyond, we will focus on Aqua and Akane’s love affair.

Aqua and Akane were originally coupled up in “The Beginning of My Love With An Idol” , but they officially started dating after one of their comfort trips in Miyazaki.

Aqua seems to care for Akane despite his usual cold mood, and according to Akane

  • On rainy days, Aqua picks Akane up with an umbrella.
  • Whenever Akane is tired from work and needs a little pampering, Aqua is there for her.
  • She never leaves her LINE (message app) unread.

So, things were going well in the beginning.

The biggest thing is that “coupling is now established in the show of TV program,” so even if these two get together, Akane doesn’t have to worry about being beaten up by her fans.


However, Aqua ended his relationship with Akane in chapter 98, and their romance came to an end here.

It is highly unlikely that these two will become lovers again, given the development of the story.

The latest spoilers for chapter 126 of Oshi no ko! What will happen to Aqua and Kana’s love?

In chapter 126 and beyond, we will be looking at the future of Aqua and Kana’s romance.

As mentioned above, Aqua has officially started dating Akane, which means that Kana is in a state of heartbreak.

However, it seems that Aqua really loves Kana, and Akane knows it.


On the other hand, in chapter 95, Aqua unintentionally shook Kana off when she was having a hard time with her thoughts, causing Kana to run away crying.

The latest spoilers for chapter 126 of Oshi no ko! What will happen to Aqua and Kana's love?(C)Aka Akasaka/Mengo Yokoyari/Shueisha

In addition, the 6th chapter of the first volume of the manga depicts an “interview with Kana in the future,” and there is a possibility that Aqua and Kana will be dating in the future.

We will be watching Aqua and Kana’s relationship in the future.

The latest spoilers for chapter 126 of Oshi no ko! Akane will die!?

It will be horrible to see if Akane will die in chapter 126 of Oshi no ko.

Akane attempted suicide in “The Beginning of My Love With An Idol” but avoided death when Aqua rescued her.

Once the death flag was broken, Akane lived peacefully for a while after that, but in chapter 98, Akane almost fell down the stairs of the pedestrian bridge.

Again, Aqua rushes in to rescue her, but in the future, she may still be in mortal danger by getting too close to Kamiki Hikaru.

Most importantly, Akane has not appeared in the interviews at the beginning of each chapter in the first volume of the manga, and the theory of Akane’s death still persists.

The latest spoilers for chapter 126 of Oshi no ko! Who is Aqua & Ruby’s real father?

In chapter 126 and beyond of Oshi no ko, the focus is on who Aqua & Ruby’s real father is.

After repeated DNA tests, Aqua has found out that Daiki Himekawa is his half-brother.

And when Daiki Himekawa informed him that his father was already dead, it seemed that Aqua’s life of revenge was over.

However, in chapter 72 of volume 8 of the manga, Akane found a “loophole” and a more mysterious person came to visit Ai’s grave.

The latest spoilers for chapter 126 of Oshi no ko! Who is Aqua & Ruby's real father?(C)Aka Akasaka/Mengo Yokoyari/Shueisha

Ruby Hoshino.
She’s growing up to be a beauty.

In other words, the father that Aqua has identified is not real, and the real father is still alive.

What this man really is is one of the biggest mysteries in the story.

Incidentally, it was revealed in chapter 96 that this man is named “Kamiki Hikaru“.

The latest spoilers for chapter 126 of Oshi no ko! Who is the mystery girl?

The latest spoilers for chapter 126 of Oshi no ko! Who is the mystery girl?(C)Aka Akasaka/Mengo Yokoyari/Shueisha

The identity of the mysterious girl who has been in contact with Ruby since chapter 126 of Oshi no ko is the focus of this article.

In chapter 79 of volume 8 of the manga, the mysterious girl, accompanied by a crow, appeared to Ruby as she grieved over Goro’s death.

The girl knows not only the man who killed Goro, a college student at the time, but also the junior high school-age man who was with the killer.

She also knows about the reincarnation of Aqua and Ruby.

Perhaps she is already dead, but I am curious about the identity of this girl.

The latest spoilers for chapter 126 of Oshi no ko! What does the mysterious girl tell us about the identity of the “middle schooler”?

The latest spoilers for chapter 126 of Oshi no ko! What does the mysterious girl tell us about the identity of the (C)Aka Akasaka/Mengo Yokoyari/Shueisha

In chapter 126 and beyond, we will focus on the identity of the “junior high school student” as told by the mysterious girl.

In chapter 79 of volume 8 of the manga, the mysterious girl talks about “the time when Goro was killed” as follows.

  • There was a suspicious man around the hospital.
  • A man about the age of a college student at the time and a boy about the age of a junior high school student.

The college-aged man was the perpetrator of Ai’s murder, and he committed suicide soon after Ai’s murder.

However, the “junior high school student” is a mystery, and from the flow of the story, we think he is Ai’s husband (i.e., Aqua & Ruby’s father).

If so, we are wondering why this “junior high school student” was working with Ai’s stalker and why he made him kill Ai.

The anime version of Oshi no ko began in April 2023!

This is for reference only, but the anime version of Oshi no ko finally started airing on April 12, 2023! The opening theme song is “Idol” by YOASOBI.

It has already exceeded 100 million views!

By the way, it’s the fastest 100 million views in the history of chart in Japan.

This is a result of the enthusiastic popularity of the anime of the girl I’m guessing, and YOASOBI’s world view matching it perfectly.

Furthermore, you can watch English version of “Idol”. It is also sung by YOASOBI.

Even for Japanese fan, its relics perfectly matches with original version of “Idol”.

You’ll be a big fan of this song!

Summary, The latest spoilers for chapter 126 of Oshi no ko!

In this article, we have explained spoilers for chapter 126 of Oshi no ko.

Although I thought  Oshi no ko was an idol work, it has many elements of suspense and mystery with a lot of foreshadowing.

In addition to that, the darkness of the entertainment world is also depicted in abundance, and it is deeply engaging.

Spoilers list of Oshi no ko

Vol. 12 of manga
119 120
Vol. 13 of manga
121 122 123 124 125
126 127 128 129 130


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